What is the Cost of a No Win No Fee Workers Comp Lawyer

If you have suffered a personal injury in an accident, you might need to find a no win no pay lawyer or, no win no fee lawyer.

No matter how carefully you work or how safe your job site is, you still may sustain an injury at work. When this happens, you may be forced to take a great deal of time away from work for medical treatment and recuperation. However, your bills and expenses do not disappear. This is why you need the services of a no-win, no-fee workers’ compensation lawyer.

You may be familiar with the term no win, no fee. However, many clients are not sure of the details. It is in your best interest to have adequate information before signing an agreement with a no-win, no-fee, worker comp lawyer.

Are No Win, No Fee Workplace Compensation Lawyers Free?

It is easy to conclude that no-win, no-fee workers’ comp lawyers do their work for free. Especially given some of the advertisements that state, “no win, no fee, no catch.” However, in many cases, you may still need to pay other fees whether your case is successful or not.

Is My Lawyer Upfront with Me?

Generally, yes. The legal system is complex, and some cases have numerous costs that are not related to your legal fees. You can trust your no-win, no-fee workers’ compensation lawyer on the level.

What Other Fees Might I Need to Pay?

While you may not need to pay your workers’ compensation act lawyers after an unsuccessful case, several fees may require payment whether your case is successful or unsuccessful. These fees include:

  • Court Fees
  • Expert Witness Fees
  • Medical Report Fees
  • Private Investigator Fees

You can choose to file either a standard no-fault workers’ compensation claim or a workers’ compensation common law claim.

The types of claims differ in that the common law claim is an action taken against an employer or other responsible party. These cases usually stem from a specific incident or a set of particular incidences where the responsible party failed their duty of care to ensure employees are not exposed to hazards. The injured person must prove that the defendant breached that duty of care and was negligent. Only if the injured person can establish negligence or breach of statutory duty will they be successful in a common law negligence claim for damages.

Under a no win no fee agreement, a law firm agrees to provide legal services and not charge for all or part of those services unless a ‘successful outcome’ is achieved.

Questions to Ask Before Engaging a No-Win, No-Fee Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

  • How much experience do they or other members of their firm have presenting other claims that were similar to yours?
  • What were the outcomes of similar cases?
  • What were the costs for successful workers’ compensation claims?

The Process of a No-Win, No-Fee Case in Western Australia

  1. After a workplace injury, you have an obligation-free initial consultation with one or more lawyers from a no-win, no-fee workers’ compensation law firm. Here you explain the details of your injury and the circumstances surrounding it.
  2. The workers’ comp lawyer explains how the compensation law and the no-win, no-fee policy would work in your situation.
  3. If the terms are agreeable to you, the next step is signing a No Win No Fee agreement, which starts the No win No Fee service. Generally, you are not charged for any upfront legal fees.
  4. Your worker comp lawyer will follow standard personal injury protocol where they will build your case, negotiate on your behalf, and settle your case.
  5. The insurance company usually contributes to the legal fees for your no-win, no-fee compensation lawyers’ final legal costs. Additionally, the insurance company will pay towards disbursements associated with your compensation claim.
  6. You must pay legal fees not covered by the insurance company

If you have been hurt at work, remember that your employer’s insurance company is not on your side. To get what you deserve, contact workplace compensation lawyers, No Fee Injury Lawyers. We have the experience and skill to ensure you will get fair compensation under the law. And remember, if we do not win, you do not pay.